November 11, 2024
Monday of Week 12
Topics of the day
- Relational models
Suggested readings
- Sections 5.1, 8.1, 8.4 from Ramez Elmasri and Shamkant Navathe, Fundamentals of database systems, 4e
- Sections 3.1, 4.1, 4.3 from Ramez Elmasri and Shamkant Navathe, Fundamentals of database systems, 6e
- Section 3.1 from Mark Allen Weiss, Data structures and algorithm analysis in C++, 3e
- Sections 6.1, 6.5 from Jeffrey Ullman and Jennifer Widom, A first course in database systems, 2e
Online references
- Relational database (
- Relation (
- Examples of CREATE/INSERT (
- SQL (
- SQL syntax (SQLite dialect) (
- SQL query semantics (
Questions and exercises
- What part of a SELECT statement controls the columns that will be produced in the result? What part controls which rows will be filtered into the result?
- Give an example SQL statement that shows how GROUP BY is used to aggregate information (with summary statistics).
- What is the difference between WHERE clauses and HAVING clauses in an SQL SELECT statement?
- What does it mean to "join" two tables? What makes something a "natural" join (as opposed to some other kind of join)?
- Homework 6 due
- Project 4: Database prep due (13 Nov)
- Project 4: Database design due (18 Nov)
- Homework 7 due (18 Nov)
- Homework 6 revision (18 Nov)
- Homework 5 revision (18 Nov)