September 11, 2024

Wednesday of Week 3

Topics of the day

| Reading | Online | Questions | Assignments | Photos |

Suggested reading

Online references

Questions and exercises

  1. What is the word "trie" short for, and how is it usually pronounced?
  2. Draw a trie that contains the strings "foo", "bar", and "baz".
  3. In a Huffman tree, where can you find the least frequent elements?
  4. What does entropy (in the information-theoretic sense) measure? Give an example of a situation where entropy is maximised and an example where it is minimised.
  5. What is the formula for entropy (in the information-theoretic sense), and what do each of the symbols in that formula stand for?
  6. What is it that is "lost" when one uses a "lossy" compression technique?
  7. What are some kinds of data where lossy compression is appropriate? What are some kinds of data where it is important to use lossless compression techniques instead?




Board photos