Topic |
Readings |
2-input truth tables |
AND, OR, NOT gates |
Intro to digital logic |
ASCII, 8 bit codes, Unicode |
Representing text |
Algorithms and preciseness |
Algorithms with expressions |
Basics of compression |
Binary and hex |
Boolean algebra |
Boolean algebra,
Laws of boolean algebra |
Circuit design and simplification |
Circuit equivalence |
Functional equivalence |
Circuits from truth tables |
Designing circuits |
Compression ratios |
Conditionals |
Converting 2-10-16 |
Number bases |
Converting between representations |
Developing algorithms |
Elements of well-specified algorithms |
Error correction (2D parity) |
Error detection (parity bits, Luhn) |
Error detection |
Evaluating systems |
Storage and transmission |
Event-based programming (Scratch) |
Exprs referring to cells |
Fractional numbers |
IF and conditions, cont'd |
Decisions in spreadsheets |
Introductions |
Limitations of floating point |
Floating point numbers |
Lossy vs lossless compression |
Manipulating images |
Manipulating images |
Negative numbers |
Signed numbers |
Negative numbers, cont'd |
Signed numbers |
Operations, expressions |
Order of operations |
Arithmetic on a computer |
Parameters (abs cell refs) |
Parts of a computer |
PCPartPicker |
Place-value notation |
Number bases |
Procedures |
RGB pixels |
Reducing boolean expressions |
Repetition in spreadsheets |
Series and sequences in spreadsheets |
Representing images |
Representing images |
Representing text |
Run-length encoding |
Scientific notation |
Simple digital circuits |
Evaluating circuits |
Sliding window compression |
Spreadsheet builtin functions |
Functions in spreadsheets |
Spreadsheets |
Spreadsheet basics |
Standard file formats |
Using IF and conditions |
Decisions in spreadsheets |
Using variable |
Writing a simple game |