
Topic Readings
2-input truth tables
AND, OR, NOT gates Intro to digital logic
ASCII, 8 bit codes, Unicode Representing text
Algorithms and preciseness
Algorithms with expressions
Basics of compression
Binary and hex
Boolean algebra Boolean algebra, Laws of boolean algebra
Circuit design and simplification
Circuit equivalence Functional equivalence
Circuits from truth tables Designing circuits
Compression ratios
Converting 2-10-16 Number bases
Converting between representations
Developing algorithms
Elements of well-specified algorithms
Error correction (2D parity)
Error detection (parity bits, Luhn) Error detection
Evaluating systems Storage and transmission
Event-based programming (Scratch)
Exprs referring to cells
Fractional numbers
IF and conditions, cont'd Decisions in spreadsheets
Limitations of floating point Floating point numbers
Lossy vs lossless compression
Manipulating images Manipulating images
Negative numbers Signed numbers
Negative numbers, cont'd Signed numbers
Operations, expressions
Order of operations Arithmetic on a computer
Parameters (abs cell refs)
Parts of a computer PCPartPicker
Place-value notation Number bases
RGB pixels
Reducing boolean expressions
Repetition in spreadsheets Series and sequences in spreadsheets
Representing images Representing images
Representing text
Run-length encoding
Scientific notation
Simple digital circuits Evaluating circuits
Sliding window compression
Spreadsheet builtin functions Functions in spreadsheets
Spreadsheets Spreadsheet basics
Standard file formats
Using IF and conditions Decisions in spreadsheets
Using variable
Writing a simple game