Don Blaheta and Eugene Charniak, ``Assigning Function Tags to Parsed Text'', Proceedings of the 1st Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2000, pp. 234--240.


It is generally recognized that the common non-terminal labels for syntactic constituents (NP, VP, etc.) do not exhaust the syntactic and semantic information one would like about parts of a syntactic tree. For example, the Penn Tree-bank gives each constituent zero or more `function tags' indicating semantic roles and other related information not easily encapsulated in the simple constituent labels. We present a statistical algorithm for assigning these function tags that, on text already parsed to a simple-label level, achieves an F-measure of 87%, which rises to 99% when considering `no tag' as a valid choice.

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BibTeX entry

  author = {Don Blaheta and Eugene Charniak},
  year = 2000,
  title = {Assigning function tags to parsed text},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st Annual Meeting of the
	{N}orth {A}merican Chapter of the
	{A}ssociation for {C}omputational {L}inguistics},
  pages = {234--240} }
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