CS 262: Information and Knowledge Management

Fall 2007

Prof. Blaheta

Welcome to CS 262! This course is something of a survey of CS subfields for the intermediate CS major, and could plausibly have been titled "A bunch of stuff every computer scientist should know" (although that might not have flown with the Curriculum Committee).

This class meets 6th hour on MWRF. It meets in room D-205 on MWF, and in the Cat Lab on Thursdays.

Course materials

Due to the smorgasbord nature of the course, there is no single appropriate textbook, and therefore no required textbook. I will be sourcing from several different textbooks, including several I will put on reserve in the library.

In addition, Wikipedia and other websites often have pretty good explanations on the topics we're discussing, so I'll be posting links to their pages on a semi-regular basis.

Homeworks, labs, projects


Lecture "slides"


Don Blaheta / blahetadp@blahedo.org