Topic | Readings |
Accepting languages | |
Alternative DFA representations | hopcroft2 §2.2.2-2.2.5 |
Applications of regular expressions | hopcroft2 §3.3 |
Backus-Naur form | |
Basics of Haskell | Haskell doc ("Prelude"), Learn you a Haskell |
Basics of Perl | |
C# and polymorphism | |
CFG derivations | hopcroft2 §5.1.4-5.2.2 |
Case-based code generation | |
Church-Turing thesis | |
Code generation cont'd | |
Complexity and P | hopcroft2 §10.0-10.1.2 |
Context-free grammars | hopcroft2 §5.1-5.1.3 |
Contradiction proofs | hopcroft2 §1.3.2-1.3.4 |
Decidability | hopcroft2 §8.1 |
Finite automata | hopcroft2 §2.1-2.2.1 |
Functions and relations | |
Grammars | |
Grammars for Scheme, C, Perl | |
Integer induction | hopcroft2 §1.4.1 |
Interpreting vs compiling | |
Intro to C# | |
Intro to LaTeX | Overleaf LaTeX tutorial |
Intro to Racket | Racket website, Racket documentation |
Lambda calculus | |
Languages as sets of strings | hopcroft2 §1.5 |
Languages as syntax | |
Lazy evaluation and currying in Haskell | |
Logic review | |
More Racket | Racket modules (require, provide), Testing in Racket |
More recursive functions | |
Nondeterministic finite-state automata | hopcroft2 §2.3.1-2.3.2 |
Parse trees | |
Parsers | hopcroft2 §5.3-5.3.1 |
Parsing to abstract syntax trees | |
Perl-compatible regular expressions | |
Proofs | hopcroft2 §1.2 |
Racket first-class functions | |
Racket lists and recursive functions | |
Recurrence relations in analysis | |
Recursive definitions | |
Recursively enumerable languages | |
Regular expressions | hopcroft2 §3.1 |
Regular expressions and FSAs | hopcroft2 §2.5.1-2.5.2 |
Review Big-O notation | |
Review language translation pipeline | |
Sets review; set equivalence | hopcroft2 §1.3.1 |
Static and dynamic type checking | |
Structural induction | hopcroft2 §1.4.3-1.4.4 |
Syntax-driven semantics | |
The Master theorem | Master theorem |
The halting problem | hopcroft2 §9.1-9.2 |
The pumping lemma | hopcroft2 §4.1 |
Tokenising LISP-family languages | |
Turing machines | hopcroft2 §8.2-8.2.3
Manufactoria (game) |
Type inference in Haskell | Haskell doc ("Prelude") |
Verifiability, NP, and NP-completeness | hopcroft2 §10.1.3-10.2.1 |