CMSC 280 -- Lab 2

Lab 2

Getting Started

Log into the computer science server and use wget and tar to download your starter code.
  1. Use wget to download the file at
  2. Uncompress the lab2.tgz file by using tar -xvzf lab2.tgz

The Problem

We discussed building a particle animation in class. You have been provided the code to simulate a particle -- update and seek. The seek function provides the "steering behavior." You may not change the seek or update functions. You will need to implement the code in the Animation class to draw the screen, refresh the particle, and handle mouse clicks to move the target. You will also need to add functions to the Coord class and the Particle class. There is an opportunity for extra credit for allowing multiple particles to seek the target.

You must use a Makefile. Please remember to submit a README.txt

This is not your friend’s work. This is not the internet’s work. This is your work...


When you are done you may hand in your lab by using make handin.

The lab is due at 11:59pm Oct. 17th 2018.