CMSC 162 -- Lab 5

Lab 5

Getting Started

Log onto a computer science server making sure to change the port number.

Follow these instructions to get your files ready to start lab.
  • Use wget to download the file at
  • Uncompress the lab5.tgz file by using tar -xvzf lab5.tgz
  • Use ls to see that there is a new directory called lab5
  • Use cd lab5 to change directory to the lab5 directory

The Problem

We have talked about Big O notation as a theoretical way to compare algorithm run times. In this lab we will find calculate the Big O for various functions.
  1. reading and understanding code
  2. calculating Big O for functions


You have been given a file named guess.cpp which contains almost all of the code you will need.

  • Add comments above each function describing what that function does
  • Add comments describing the Big O run time of each function and your reasons


When you are done you need to hand in your lab. The easiest way is to type make handin.

You lab is due at 11:59pm Sept. 25th 2018.