CMSC 140: Intro to programming

Fall 2017

Prof. Blaheta

In the last decade, we have seen huge increases in the computational thinking required in a wide variety of disciplines; across the natural and social sciences, the arts, and even in the humanities, researchers and practitioners are finding that they have data, they need to process it, and no completely off-the-shelf solution will do. They need to write a program to solve a problem. In this course, we will introduce the concepts and ways of thinking required to write straightforward programs to process a variety of kinds of data.

This class meets at 10:00am (Section 1) and 11:00am (Section 2) on MWF. The textbook is Python for Everyone, 2e, by Cay Horstmann and Rance Necaise (ISBN 978-1-119-05655-3). There will be regular in-class and out-of-class assignments drawn from the book; you should bring it to every class.

Course materials

Board photos